В рамках празднования Дня знаний ребята 8-9 классов посетили  урок, посвященный 400-летию  города Новокузнецка. Мероприятие  проходило в библиотеке им. Гоголя. Учащиеся посмотрели презентацию и узнали много нового об истории родного города. Им было предложено написать сочинения на тему «Почему я горжусь Новокузнецком». Вот некоторые из них.


I believe that every person has his or her special and favorite city or town.  For me it is Novokuznetsk. Even if leave it for some other place, I will always be proud of my hometown. Of course I am proud of Novokuznetsk due to the fact that my town was the main supplier of steel during the Great Patriotic War.  Also I am proud of Novokuznetsk because it is one of the oldest towns in Siberia. Here is very beautiful architecture and very pleasant people. Sometimes you can just walk down the street and smile for some reason and the people can smile back. There are six districts in our town and each of them is unique. Our town is still being restored, built and upgraded.  Many new shopping centres have been recently built.  All in all, I love and I am proud of my native town Novokuznetsk for many reasons. And I have to be thankful to our town for the fact that I have met such wonderful people and got unforgettable emotions.

Vara Nastya, 8A

Many guys in my class were very surprised when we were asked to write an essay about our city because, at first sight, Novokuznetsk is not such a beautiful and attractive city. However, if we remember its history, sights, famous people, many interesting facts about the city, we will be proud of Novokuznetsk.Firstly, Novokuznetsk is the oldest city in Kemerovo region. It is located in south- western Siberia. Our city was founded in 1618, but it was initially called Kuznetsky Ostrog. In addition, Novokuznetsk is rich in natural resources, so it is known as a steel heart of Kuzbass.Secondly, Novokuznetsk has a great team of famous people who were born and lived here and now their names are known all around Russia. I think. it is a good reason to be proud of Novokuznetsk.In spite of the fact that many people speak about Novokuznetsk badly, I am really proud and love it just because it is my birthplace. I have been living here for all my life and I know that Novokuznetsk is a wonderful place to live in.I am really proud of Novokuznetsk!

Demina Julia, 9B

 There are many reasons to be proud of Novokuznetsk. It had and still has quite an influence on our country and its history.The first thing I would like to consider is the role our city played during the World War II. Our metallurgists’ work on plants and factories provided our country with military funds in its hour of need. In total they made 50 000 tanks, 45 000 planes and 100 million shells. It can’t be denied that Novokuznetsk had a big role in history of Russia. In addition, Novokuznetsk is now one of the largest metallurgical and coal mining centres of Russia.Moreover, Novokuznetsk has a lot of interesting and fascinating places which one should visit: The Drama Theatre, Dostoevsky Memorial Museum, Art Museum, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and many parks and squares. All in all, I strongly believe that Novokuznetsk is a great city with amazing people, glorious working traditions, interesting history and we should really be proud of it.

Polyah Ksenya,9A

Учителя английского языка, классные руководители

Братышева М. И.,  Сумина Е.В.,  Каменщикова И.В.

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